UTOPIA, from greek οὐ (not) τόπος (place), non existing place, nowhereEUTOPIA, from greek εὖ (good) τόπος (place), good place-
EUTOPIARCH is meant to be a conceptual process, an empiric journey starting from an abstract idea (utopia) ending in a physical place (eutopia).
Under the creative direction of Arch. Eugenio Laponte, EUTOPIARCH is conceived as an investigation, a continuous pursuit of new physical forms, combining art and architecture, for the clients' needs.The studio works on different typologies: residential, retail, fashion collaboration, bespoke furniture design, event design, set-up; yet it is always looking forward to widening its range of interventions.
PRAGMA x EUTOPIARCH is the brand of collectibles (de)signed by E. Laponte.
Eutopiarch’s projectual approach can be defined by Jacques Hondelatte’s words:
"If i am left with six months to study a project, five and a half will be devoted to its 'conception' and two weeks to drawing it.This clearly indicates the levels of difficulty [of the two different phases]".