Fundicion Gamboa S.A. de C.V.

Fundicion Gamboa S.A. de C.V. Our industry have great prestige and recognition in the northwest of Mexico and southern California area, in the Metal Foundry market. More than 50 years of experience, excellent work and constant growth support us. We have capacity to melt Cast Iron, Aluminum and Ductile Iron. At Fundición Gamboa (Gamboa Foundry) we have always offered our customers the best quality in the products we manufacture, that is why we are pioneers in the metallic products exportation market. Our products have been accepted greatly in the international market, and this can only be achived with the highest quality control, state-of-the-art technology and a personalized service.
Fundicion Gamboa S.A. de C.V. Product
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Fundicion Gamboa S.A. de C.V. Offices
Fundicion Gamboa S.A. de C.V. Mexico
Tijuana, Mexico
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