Gitai Architects
Gitai Architects

Gitai Architects

In our age of time, the practice of the architect profession may introduce additional layers. An architectural project, in our mind, shall be inclusive of various visual expressions that incorporate the main notions of place and time.

Our team composed of architects and Landscape architects finds it a great opportunity and challenge to contribute to the creation of an adaptable ways of living and working nowadays. This interdisciplinary approach may involve opening a new type of structures to its immediate environment, a composite activities and multifunctional spaces, which can be adapted to a large variety of scales

We can observe that today’s humanity has reached a stage of total displacement, facing multiple scales and frames, which present challenges to contemporary constructions.

Our practice is pursuing to integrate space into those positions in a context of dissemination of resources and their migrations, of no visible frontiers, while maintaining a dynamic understanding of the human need to have a confortable constructive environment. In this search of inhabitant, people move on the surface of the planet and by this simple “travelling" ,by doing that ,they create transformations/formations/mutations, which involve juxtapositions in their own way to live.

To give a proper answers to those needs, this invites us to think beyond the traditional frames of architecture, landscape, and building models. This supposes us to be open to new perceptions of knowhow and technologies that rely on life models, that is to say on exchanges between materials and their elements. The architecture of a contemporary time is the opportunity to design inclusive structures that open to these challenges. As such it may exceed issues of motion in space and is part of a universal, trans-generation and trans-disciplinary dimensions. In other words, the way of building.

Our Projects
Gitai Architects Offices
Gitai Architects
135 Hanasi Bulv, 3463417 Haifa, Israel