Hans van Heeswijk Architecten
Hans van Heeswijk Architecten
What is the question? That’s where every assignment begins. We like to take the time with our clients to formulate this clearly before we start designing. Naturally we’re flattered that we were selected, but we still insist on looking critically at our mutual expectations. To be successful good architecture not only requires a capable architect, but also an inspired client.
This website presents examples of the results. A wide range of city councils, building corporations, banking directors, developers and private clients preceded you.
What is the approach? A client introduced us recently in a press release that said:
With Hans van Heeswijk we have selected an architect with a good eye for detail and with an efficient office behind him.
Proud as we are of those words, they oblige us to do our utmost to ensure that the next client says the same. And especially this one - when all is done.
For this we can rely on solid experience in a wide range of work since starting in 1985 as an independent office. Designs in the fields of public buildings, offices, housing, bridges, interiors and product development are included in this website. Here you can see and read what can be accomplished in collaboration with enthusiastic clients.
What is the answer? Most of all: clarity. Public buildings and offices where staff work with pleasure and visitors instantly know their way. Houses that make people feel at home. Viaducts that provide school kids a safe and comfortable bike ride. Buildings that generously absorb light during the day and illuminate their environment like shining beacons at night.
Above all, architecture should be light.