Hauser Oficina de Arquitectura
Hauser Oficina de Arquitectura

Hauser Oficina de Arquitectura

Germán Hauser was born on December 26, 1972, in Buenos Aires, Argentina. In 1999, he earned his Diploma in Architecture from the University of Buenos Aires, School of Architecture. During his training years, he collaborated with many different architecture studios from Argentina. After a series of travels around the world, in 2002 he began his independent professional practice. From the beginning, he has developed his projects in partnership with different architects. Throughout his career, he designed several award-winning projects, chief among them are the FIRST PRIZE obtained for the design of the Buenos Aires’s SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY HUB; and the FIRST PRIZE granted to the design of the YUSUF HAMIED INSTITUTE, in Benalmádena, Spain. He has been invited to participate in the contest for the design of the new CAF headquarters in Caracas, Venezuela. Along with other young architects from all over the world, he was part of the event called: “44 International Young Architects”, organized within the framework of the Architecture Week in Barcelona, Spain. In addition, he was invited to represent Argentine architecture as part of the Study Group in Quito’s 17TH Architecture Pan-American Biennale, and was invited to participate in the exhibition called “Ciclo Obra Reciente Argentina” (Argentine Recent Works Series) at the Colegio Oficial de Arquitectos de Madrid (Official Architects’ Association of Madrid, COAM). Concurrently, since 1997 he has devoted to the teaching of Architecture, mainly at the University of Buenos Aires, School of Architecture. He has lectured and given conferences on his own work, and architecture themes in Argentina as well as in Uruguay and Spain. By the end of 2016, Hauser founded his architecture studio.
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Hauser Oficina de Arquitectura
Buenos Aires, Argentina