My name is Jens Maaßen and I am the managing director and founder of InGrau-Betonmanufaktur.
Professional background:
I completed my Bricklayer education in 2006. I enjoyed working as a bricklayer, but I would like to have more responsibility and ideas in my work. That is why I joined a company that offered me exactly these opportunities.
From 2007-2016, I was employed in a company specializing in concrete ballasts and weights. There, among other things, I was responsable for the technical development of concrete products and worked as the production manager.
Due to the experience and my incentive to get even more knowledge in the field of concrete I have completed my master in the concrete block and terrazzo manufacturer craft (HWK) and the industrial master specialized in concrete block industry (IHK) in 2013. My final thesis was awarded with a design prize.
What I learned and especially the creative work with concrete encouraged me at the beginning of 2017 to turn my passion into a profession, to realize what I burn for: Individual and modern design products made of concrete.