Archello Awards · Winners Announced
Archello Awards 2024 · Winners Announced
Archello Awards 2024
Winners Announced
ITAR Architectures
ITAR Architectures
ITAR Architectures

ITAR Architectures

ITAR ARCHITECTURES is an architectural practice focusing on the convergence of architectural and engineering work cultures. Our belief is that successful architectural projects rely more than ever on our ability to master current technological know-how and to understand, upstream from schematic design, inherent project challenges, with one of the foremost challenges we are faced with today being energy conservation.   All components our projects,  have equal weight. Material diversity, selected structural solutionsand the attention brought to detailingall exempliyfour aim to always provide a sensible answer to a specific cultural, technical and geographic context. Hence it can be said that the driving forces behind our approach are structure, material and space.


The main projects of the office are social housing, renewals of large housing developments and student residences. They demonstrate the social commitment of our practice of architecture. Each project is an opportunity to put  inhabitants at the center of our reflections and the work on designing quality living spaces  that facilitate  social  cohesion. Each project is a singular story, a particular contextualization and an opportunity to offer beauty, a little luxury (outdoor spaces, volumes, light) for everyone, to  compensate for the inconveniences of living collectively. Residential buildings are like small communities, and Ingrid Taillandier is convinced they have a role to play in their social functioning, as shown in her book Habitare (Archibooks editions). 

Our Projects
ITAR Architectures Offices
ITAR Architectures Paris
(33) 01 43 57 44 50
66 Rue de Turenne, Paris, France