Luis Gordoa y Onnis Luque

JC Arquitectura
JC Arquitectura
Juan Carral Ogorman, Mexico City (1976) studied architecture at the UIA (Iberoamericana, 1995-1998) and UNAM (1999-2004) were received with honors, his thesis Zabludovzky Abraham won the prize for best thesis of the year. He has taught in both instituciones.Participó project in 2005 in the FONCA Young Creators program under the guidance of Miquel Adriá and Bernardo Gomez Pimienta. In 2008 he won the scholarship CEMEX with which he studied a Masters in Barcelona on housing under Josep Maria Montaner address and Zaida Muxí. He worked with Javier Sanchez (before Higuera and Sánchez). He established in 2007 JC Architecture office that leads to date. His work has been focused on housing and renovation of buildings, it has also developed some projects and contests with Jorge Ambrosi and Javier Sanchez He earned mention in the X Biennial of Mexican Architecture 2008 building housing the FR43. In 2013 he won a competition for a master 1000 housing and its first phase of 55 departments in Cancun Q.Roo plan promoted by Abilia, real estate developer established in DF with projects around the país.Ha given workshops and lectures at various universities the jury País.Recientemente was invited for Cemex Works Award 2014 and participated in the Regional housing project Plot: 32 proposals, led by INFONAVIT.Actualmente develops housing projects and city in Cancun, where she lives since 2009.