Jeyan Ulku Architects is an independent design studio based in Istanbul, Turkiye. JUA believes that it is a sustainable balance to analyze the simplicity, focus on a sharp detail and the clarity of the details in such a way that it will be the exact equivalent of the desired functions. Living architecture has changed recently; cities, technological advancements and, therefore, living spaces have also evolved. JUA believes that work - leisure times and residential spaces have been transforming to become accommodating all of these formats. Today, the period of people entering different identities in business and private life is left behind; their state of being reflected in the interior architecture, which is defined as "reality", and in the projects they produce, these home-work areas are "comfortable, informal as well as creating self-experience and non-hierarchical". JUA also states that it is in more simplified formats with today's technologies and offers design solutions that will enhance human and space relationship by acknowledging space as an entity interacting with its inhabitants. For them “every project” is unique, “every space” is exclusive and they consider themselves as partners with clients. JUA take pride in anticipating and aligning these changing space design needs with the desires and requirements of its users and turning them into inspirational projects.