ongoing management of ownprojectsin architecture and design
11 project management atEinfach3Architekten ZTKGin Vienna
11 exam civil engineer in architecture
08-11 project management atLakonisArchitekten ZTGmbH in Vienna
07 graduatearchitectureat the Technical University of Vienna
04 memberprozess.architektur.landschaftstudioin Vienna
04-07 employeesat various architectural firmswhile studying
00-06 exhibition andeventservices at Architecture Center Vienna
00 startstudying architecture at the Technical University of Vienna
Born inFeldkirch in 1981,
linving and working in Vienna since 1999.
Studied architecture at theTechnical University of Vienna.
Degree in 2007at the Institute forHousing and Design.
Projectexperience in variousoffices in allplanning stages, participation in contests andcreatingfeasibility studies.