Le Dévéhat Vuarnesson Architectes
Charlotte Vuarnesson and Guillaume Le Dévéhat, co-founders in 2014 of the agency LVA rely on a singular background since they add a double skill, architects and interior designer. Twice a graduate, then (Arts Décoratifs de Paris, 2004 ; ENSA La Villette, 2007), they learnt their trade, separately, during a decade in various Parisian architectural agencies.
This is an opportunity to acquire complementary skills and experiences that will benefit the global reflection on the project. Above all, their training allows them, beyond the reflection linked to the context and the integration of a building into the site, to have an already informed look at the spatial design to be imagined according to the future uses of the premises. The double hat, in complete mission, enriches the project.
This approach under several angles allows to implement a sensitivity to the heritage in its contemporary expression as much as a reflection on the evolution of the spaces and the building in time. In this field, rehabilitation, whether of 12 m2 or 12,000m2, is a subject carried by the agency because, at the heart of current issues, it opens up several fields and avenues that deserve to be developed. Indeed, the architectural response to sites and programs whose adequacy is often complex requires great intellectual and constructive rigor.
The same is true for housing, where architects, before and after the creation of the LVA agency, have already been able to experiment with different construction methods and explore the potential of each one, the technical and constructive mastery allowing them to imagine original and practical evolutions. However, the need to respond to a program on time and at the announced price is one of the challenges of each project of the agency. The company, strengthened by the experience of its founders, has developed to this day through the recommendations of project owners for whom it has carried out projects of various scales.
With Patrice Gobert architect, the two partners have acquired an expertise in the field of industrial architecture and more particularly in the design of waste recovery plants. In 2019, in association with La Superstructure, Patrice Gobert architecte et associés, LVA wins the competition for the restructuring of Syctom's selective collection sorting center in Nanterre. A complete mission is entrusted to them, the project is delivered in 2021. The mastery of the regulatory tool is another asset because it offers the ability to move from a programmatic reflection to an architectural reflection with the capacity to respond to the problems posed, whether they are the needs of villagers as well as those of the experienced project owners of a large city.
The practice of the architects emphasizes the opportunity of a site and a program with, always, professional deformation obliges, the taste and the faculty to give a human scale to each project via a particular care to the atmospheres, the light and the comfort of the users.