More than 15 years of experience giving life to spaces
I like to say that It was not I who came up with the love of interior design but it was interior design who found me.
My parents insisted that I study a university degree so from the moment I began, without doubting it, I studied medicine, but something inside was saying that this was not my path.
Painting, drawing and the treatment of colors were flooding my thoughts and one day I understood that that was the moment to take my coloured pencils and throw myself to this adventure. I began then to study a degree in Textile Design and Fashion for 4 years in Sabadell (Catalonia, Spain). It was a wonderful time of my life, a discovery of color and fabrics. A step forward that meant life would never be the same again.
Before finishing my studies, I already started developing my practice with some teachers and I even had the opportunity to start working as a designer of linen.
Marina Sezam’s history
A little later, I was offered the possibility to form part of the home textile department in another sector of the company. It was easy to make the decision because I was very much attracted to this position and without doubt it marked what would be my future. After a year my step took me to the place to which I wanted to come so many other times before, to interior design and decoration, a training that marked the before and after on my professional path.
I have a vivid memory of those days, of the evenings when finishing school I would get lost in the streets of Barcelona walking by the furniture and interior decoration shops to learn combinations, to do my own compositions. I remember at that time I even managed to memorize the prices and measurements of all the modular furniture of each shop that I visited.
I had found my passion, that one that could consume all my energy and that could be my professional future. I had found my place in the world.
Before finishing my studies I founded my first company dedicated to the renovation of housing and interior spaces. In the beginning I did projects for friends and contacts to whom I was enormously grateful for their confidence and who believed in and took a chance on me from the first moment.
I am what I am thanks to all the people who during the course of these years allowed me to enter their homes and to infuse them with excitement and light.
These friends brought me new clients. There were a few good years that allowed me to work for myself without a break, improving the conditions and the interiors of the houses that were coming to me, an experience that taught me very much and allowed me to collaborate with big professionals.
These events led me to getting in tune with architecture. A new door had opened through which I was sure that I wanted to enter. This gave me a deeper knowledge, security and confidence on a personal and professional level. All that led me to take one more step forward. It was at that time that I founded Marina Sezam Disseny in 2005, the great project of my life, where I could put together both of my passions interior design and the space in general.
My tireless search of new horizons led me to found in 2010, together with my friend Almudena Martin, Congost21, a company more orientated to the construction of spaces and window dressing and simultaneously I began to train as a building engineer.
Today from Marina Sezam I can create interior design projects that are my passion and bring them to life via construction with Congost 21.