Our mission is to research, build, and advocate for architecture that promotes justice and human dignity.
We are a team of over 120+ architects, landscape architects, engineers, builders, furniture designers, writers, film makers, and researchers representing 20 countries across the globe. We believe in expanding access to design that is purposeful, healing, and hopeful.
In 2017 MASS was awarded the National Design Award in Architecture, given each year by the Cooper Hewitt, the Smithsonian Museum for Design. In 2019, Architect Magazine ranked MASS 4th in Design. Our work has been featured in over 4,000 publications.
National Memorial for Peace and Justice
“To my mind, it is the single greatest work of American architecture of the 21st century, and the most successful memorial design since the 1982 debut of Maya Lin’s Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, D.C.”
–Mark Lamster from the Dallas Morning News
How We Work
We believe that every project has a mission and accompany our partners throughout the design process — from early visioning through project completion — to develop and implement a shared vision for how design can achieve that mission. We do this through architecture, landscape design, engineering, planning, research, film, and community engagement.
Helping build a climate positive future is imperative. Our projects move beyond just issues of energy use and efficiency, to holistically design the project ecosystem, including an entire supply chain that is sustainable, resilient, and regenerative. One Health design is a strategy that produces diverse, healthy, and productive habitats for human, animal, and ecological growth.