Ing. arch. MgA. Michal Motyčka (1974, Prague) is an architect and artist, who studied at the Faculty of Architecture at ČVUT Prague, then at the Glass in Architecture studio led by Prof. Marian Karel at VŠUP Prague, undertook internships at the School of Architecture with Prof. Emil Přikryl at AVU Prague and at the Department of Glass led by Prof. Bruce Chao at Rhode Island School of Design in Providence, USA. Michal Motyčka focuses on the crossovers between architecture and contemporary visual arts. In his own creative work, he concentrates on the topic of places dedicated to art. As an architect he reconstructed several galleries, for example the Museum Kampa in Prague between 1999 and 2001 (with Václav Cigler, Miroslav Špaček, Marian Karel and Dana Zámečníková); Zdeněk Sklenář Gallery at the Smetana Embankment in Prague, 2001; gallery in the multifunctional cultural centre Atrium at Žižkov in Prague 3, 2007 and an expanded gallery space of the investment fund Pro Arte at Vratislavský Palace at Tržiště, Malá Strana, 2015.