pampolsarquitec+e is a studio based in Lleida operating in the widest scope of architecture, from urban planning to interior and design. Through innovation and research, the studio conceives architecture as a continuous search for the ideal and at the same time a trail, an inventory of reality, seeking a form that expresses both of these conditions and that resolves the latent contradictions of ambition, program and site by pursuing strategies that do not adhere to a single vision of cohesion but rather integrate discrepancies and extremes with organizational logic and clarity, finding new solutions and alternatives for every project, achieving high quality design by optimizing the use of natural and financial resources available.
The studio has completed the majority of its buildings in Spain, through a diverse range of commissions, including Housing for young people, Lleida; Kindergarden school, Lleida; Hotel Finca Prats&Golf, Lleida; Sportscenter pavilion, Corbins; Vall de Boí Romanesque Art Museum, Erill-la-Vall and several urban planning in Val d’Aran. The architects’ international work includes the Theater auditorium, Viña del Mar, Lanco Theater renovation, Valdivia; Municipality theater, Traiguén or Gabriela Mistral interpretation center, Pisco Elqui; all them in Chile.
Their work has been published in several international magazines (ON Diseño; Lotus Int.; Architecture & DETAIL), digital architectural magazines (Plataforma Arquitectura; Archdaily; Dezeen, Hi-Design; Guangzhou MDX) and books (‘Density is Home, A+T publishers; Book Design Pblsh.; ‘Formes de l’Habitar’, COAC Publishers); and has been exhibited, among others, in “Formes de l’Habitar”, IEI Museum, Lleida, 2014; “Mostra Arquitectura Terres de Lleida awards” COAC Lleida 2014, 2010, 2007 and 2003, “Aproximacions”, COAC, Lleida, 2012; “Vers de nouveaux lôgements sociaux” at the Cité de l’Architecture & du Patrimoine, Paris 2012; and they’ve been invited as lecturers to show their work at COAC Lleida; World Sustainable Building Congress’14, Barcelona and the 2nd Health & Architecture Congress, COAC Barcelona, among others.
Among their main recognitions, they have been, Awarded with the 1st Terres de Lleida Architecture ‘Public Buildings’ mention award 2004; Finalist at the FAD Awards 2008, Selected for the FAD Awards 2010; double Awarded with the 3rd Terres de Lleida Architecture ‘Public Buildings’ and ‘Private buildings’ mention award 2010; Selected for the 11th Spanish Architecture and Urbanism Biennial 2010; Selected for the FAD Awards 2011, Finalist at the 4th Terres de Lleida Architecture ‘Rehabilitation’ award 2014, Selected for the 2nd Terres de Lleida Architecture ‘Ephimeral’ award 2007; Awarded in the 1st ‘Ignasi Miquel Award for young architects’ mention award 2003 and Awarded with XII AJAC Award 2014, among others.
David Pàmpols (Lleida, Spain, 1972) MArch. Baubiologie (UdL+IEBN, 2013); MBA (EAE + UB, 2017) and PGCert Urban (UPF, 2009) Architect ETSABarcelona, UPC, 1998, is currently Professor in Project Urban Design at EPS Polithechnical University (UdL), Lleida and Architecture School, Rovira i Virgili University (URV), Reus.
Architecture is a continuous search for the ideal and at the same time a trail, an inventory of reality.
It has been our quest from the beginning to seek a form that expresses both of these conditions and that resolves the latent contradictions of ambition, program and site.
Desire and reality form an increasingly conflicted relationship.
Thus, we pursue strategies that do not adhere to a single vision of cohesion but rather integrate discrepancies and extremes with organizational logic and clarity.
And all from a plural effort to contribute to the debate and decision making, understanding that corresponds us to bring the knowledge and creativity that can reach a different culture; a conscious architecture in a more sustainable society.
As active members of the most renowned professional associations of experts, we claim it is possible to see things in a different way.