Sara Palomar Studio
Sara Palomar Studio

Sara Palomar Studio

Raised in Southern California, Sara Paloma first worked with clay as a college requirement for an Art Education degree. Falling instantly in love with the medium, but too late to switch majors, she set up her own basement studio shortly after graduating from Cal State Long Beach in 1995. After sharpening her craft in the off hours of jobs in animation and museums, Sara made the jump to full time studio potter in 2003 and began selling her distinctive line of stoneware vessels to galleries and design shops around the country. She moved from Los Angeles to the Bay Area in 2004, where she currently resides with her husband and their two small children. Drawing inspiration from architecture, geology, beach combing, ancient history, industrial design, and travel, Sara Paloma’s iconic stoneware vessels are a study in monumental simplicity.
Sara Palomar Studio Offices
SaraPalomar Studio
Madrid, Spain