SPRB arquitectos
SPRB arquitectos
SPRB arquitectos

SPRB arquitectos

SPRB is an architecture studio established at Guadalajara, Mexico, directed by Laura Sánchez Penichet and Carlos Rodríguez Bernal. The departure point in our projects is always the landscape. Whether it is a natural area or an interior space, we study the relationship between constructed objects and the open space among them. Is this relationship between architecture and landscape, as well as the technical design of bioclimatic comfort and low-energy solutions, the distinctive of our work. BIOGRAPHY SP / Laura Sánchez Penichet Architecture at ITESO, 2001.Guadalajara, Mexico. Master degree in Sustainable Architecture at UPC, 2004. Barcelona, Spain. Master degree in Computerization of Architectonic Projects at UPC, 2005. Barcelona, Spain. Collaboration at studio DOSBASSO architects, Barcelona, Spain, 2004-2005. Projects Professor at ITESO School of Architecture, since 2007. Guadalajara, Mexico. RB / Carlos Rodríguez Bernal Architecture at UAG, 1995. Guadalajara, Mexico. Master degree in Landscape Architecture at ETSAB-UPC, 1999. Barcelona, Spain. Founder and Editor of PISO magazine (www.pisoonline.com) Director of Architecture Department at Tecnológico de Monterrey, 2001-2005. Guadalajara, Mexico. Landscape Architecture Professor at Universidad Iberoamericana León, since 2000. Projects Professor at ITESO School of Architecture, since 2006. Guadalajara, Mexico.
Our Projects
SPRB arquitectos Offices
SPRB arquitectos Guadalajara
Torre La Paz / Colonias 221, 6° piso, Guadalajara, Mexico