Since it was founded in 1999 by Sanja Galić-Grozdanić and Igor Grozdanić Studio non stop Sarajevo is active in field of urban and architectural programming, city planning, architectural and interior design, and construction supervision. During this time non stop practice has developed innovative urban and architectural solutions through close cooperation with our Clients. The success of non stop recent works is built on extensive trans-disciplinary procedures in analyses and development of new dynamic and operational solutions for increasing complexity of our global society. We believe that architecture should be expression of our living enviroment. Local and global, economical and political, urban and architectural, natural and artifitial, physical and digital, social and cultural, etc..., contexts are subjects of our non stop conceptual analyses procedure. Depending of specific context of each project all of these elements could be varied in intensity according to its contextual importance, providing varaities in our architectural expression. According to specific postwar development of our society in transition, and very dynamic and unexpected conditions on the architectural market, our projects varied from large scale urban developments, to design of small urban public spaces, from large scale mixed used, bussines and retail facilities to individual houses and interior designes. Our international experience enables us to have fully understanding for the requirements and design standards of our international Clients. Our local activities enable us to execute optimal implementation of Clients requirements successfully solving all local administrative and technical requirements.
Our Projects
Studio Non Stop Offices
Studio Non Stop Sarajevo
++ 387 33 264 026
Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina