Filip Hozman


We aim for organic healty design and sustainable building materials. Anyway, we are not crazy ecologist and if needed, we don't have problem to use reinforced concrete and 90 degrees angles. Our philosophy is to work toogether with client or his team and lead them be part of design process, this method is called participative design. Our approach is not dogma, anyway and we can stick with classical assignment or task list. We like to use wood, naturall stone, green roofs and clay in our projects. We prefer work made by hand of skilled craftsmans, but we are also open to new technologies as 3D scanning, CNC fabrication or 3D printed materials. We strive to design our projects with respect to future generations, healthy living space and with respect to the environment. Languages: English, Czech, Slovakia, German, Russia
Our Projects
StudioARC Offices
+420 603188966
Prague, Czech Republic