Total Floors is a 15 year veteran in commercial floor coverings, window coverings, wall coverings and architectural products, selling its products and services to homes, contractors, builders,specifiers and end users of commercial propertiesin Bangalore. With experience of over 15 years in the industry and having the expertise of dealing with some of the largest and most demanding projects, expert advise is on hand at every critical point of the selection process, straight through to maintenance of the final installed product. Having a quality product is not enough on its own to be able to provide the complex needs and demands of the contract world. Quality of service, technical expertise, help, support ,price and after sales service are all major factors that form the basis of providing solutions to our customers in the completion of any successful project. When the wrong product is selected, it can result in a product that will either last too long between refurbishments or wear out prematurely. Both these options are costly for our customers and totally unnecessary and avoidable.
Total Floors Offices
Total Floors India
080 25505460
#3, 8th Main, 4th Block, Koramangala,, Bangalore, India