The common denominator in all of our work has been GOOD SYNTHESIS in any Architectural Language we opted to use. AESTHETICS, FUNCTION AND BUDGET together with top quality materials, cutting edge latest technology and excellence in workmanship have been painstakingly striven for, to ensure long time, enduring success for our works. INNOVATION IN DESIGN keeps our work interesting and exiting to us and pleasantly surprising, enjoyable and always new to our clients. GENESIS OF NEW IDEAS, as controlled by common sense and practicality makes our works not only original but also applicable and buildable. PROBLEM SOLVING is a welcome challenge for our office; hence we perform exceptionally well when dealing with peculiar sites and special, or out of the ordinary, client’s requirements. PROFESSIONAL RESPECT earned from our clients and our colleagues, as well as from local Planning and Building Authorities has been the greatest satisfaction we enjoy in Architecture as a profession, a social act and mainly a way of life. Our Target is always HIGHEST QUALITY ARCHITECTURE.