Archello Awards 2024 is open for entry · Submit your projects by August 31
Archello Awards 2024 is open for entry
Submit your projects by August 31

‬ architectural lighting

An overview of projects, products and exclusive articles about ‬ architectural lighting

Projekt • By Space MatrixBüros

Simmons & Simmons

Nestled amidst Singapore's bustling financial district, Simmons & Simmons, a global law firm renowned for its collaborative ethos, has unveiled a transformative new workspace. Inspired by the firm's rich history and the power of synergy, the Space Matrix team crafted a space that is more than just a physical environment; it's a harmonious blend of design, culture, and collaboration. Space Matrix Space Matrix Drawing inspiration from the mesmerizing phenomenon of murmurations, where thousands of birds dance in perfect unison, the office layout is a visual symphony. Acoustic panels resembling the birds' formations and the overall design create a sense of movement, rhythm, and interconnectedness. Space Matrix Space Matri... Mehr

Projekt • By Scattola Simeoni ArchitectsBüros

Ex area San-Marco

Das Sanierungsprojekt hat ein stillgelegtes Immobilienkomplex, das einst zentral im Fahrradproduktionsbezirk von Rossano Veneto war, revitalisiert. Dieser Ort, der mit dem Wirtschaftswachstum der 1960er Jahre verbunden ist, war stark verfallen, bis die Frattin-Gruppe das Gelände erwarb, mit dem Ziel, es in ein modernes Motorenzentrum zu verwandeln. Das Projekt bewahrte das ursprüngliche architektonische Wesen der Gebäude, die typische Industriebaustrukturen der Mitte des 20. Jahrhunderts aufwiesen, während es inkohärente Anbauten entfernte und die Räume durch neue Hauptwege reorganisierte, die alle Bereiche des Komplexes verbinden. Tommy Ilai, Marco Priarollo Tommy Ilai, Marco Priarollo Tommy Ilai,... Mehr

Projekt • By AtelierzeroWohnungen

Petit Sept

The complete renovation of this medium-small-sized apartment posed some interesting challenges, primarily due to its distinctive floor plan.The layout unfolds as a path from the entrance to the living room through a sequence of interconnected spaces. Matteo Losurdo Matteo Losurdo The pass-through kitchen plays a key role, providing access to the bedroom, living room, and the two bathroom areas.Given the limited possibility of intervention in the bearing structure, we made the most of the uniqueness of the floor plan to create a welcoming and personalized environment. Matteo Losurdo Matteo Losurdo The project focuses on the use of color and texture as key elements: each space is defined by a distinctive hue and flooring... Mehr

Projekt • By KAON lineWohnungen

"Rhapsody of Time"

"Rhapsody of Time" embodies a profound connection between the past and the present, an artistic synthesis where the elegance of neoclassical design intertwines seamlessly with the sleek lines of contemporary aesthetics. This project stands as a testament to refined artistry, where the nuances of cultural heritage harmonize with the sophistication of modern design, crafting an environment that exudes enduring luxury and an everlasting sense of beauty. KAON line KAON line KAON line KAON line KAON line KAON line In this rhapsody of epochs, each element has been meticulously curated to achieve a harmonious balance between the old and the new, offering a visual experience that is both intricate and elegantly simple... Mehr

Projekt • By QPROPrivathäuser


What makes this villa special is the nature of the area in which it is located. The architects played on two themes: one was suggested by the place itself, the second by the nature of the slope. The architects were inspired by the idea that the slope gradually rolls down, in addition to the stones, it also revealed a certain structure that was initially hidden. This is how the concept of a massive concrete basement with retaining walls and stairs scattered in different directions appeared. Daniel Annenkov The lighting design solution was developed considering the features of architectural solutions and interior design. Maximum air, lightness, transparency, and unity with nature - this is what you can feel in the interior. In orde... Mehr

Projekt • By Spaces Architects @ kaPrivathäuser

The House of Dancing Screens

The House of Dancing Screens, as its name suggests, revolves around the beauty of the pivotal screens and their graceful interplay of function, form, and movement, creating an ever-changing dynamic concept that gives the house its distinctive character and name. Bharat Photography Bharat Photography Bharat Photography Bharat Photography The house is envisioned as an open floor plan emphasizing the interconnectivity of spaces. Each level is meticulously designed to cater to the unique lifestyles and age groups of the family, with a family lounge on every floor serving as a central gathering hub. From this lounge, private areas extend outward allowing each bedroom to enjoy the luxury of its private balcony. Bharat Phot... Mehr

Projekt • By DION ARTKommerzielle Landschaft


As a tribute to FC Kolos, DION has masterfully crafted a unique centerpiece: a brass sheaf of wheat elegantly enveloping a football, representing the club’s enduring spirit and core values. Standing at an impressive 4.5 meters, this grand installation dominates the space, embodying the essence of the club. DION ART DION ART Encircling this centerpiece are six auxiliary sculptures, each meticulously shaped from stainless steel and finished with a rich golden automotive paint and high-gloss varnish. Measuring 5 feet in height and width, these sculptures create a cohesive and refined ensemble that enriches the fountain area, highlighting DION’s ability to merge artistic mastery with the passion of sports. DION ART... Mehr

NachrichtenSpezifikation • 16 Aug. 2024

25 best pendant lighting manufacturers

Pendelleuchten sind Hängeleuchten, die eine vielseitige Beleuchtungslösung für verschiedene Innenräume bieten. Je nach den Gestaltungskriterien können Pendelleuchten einzeln oder in Gruppen installiert werden, um den gewünschten Lichteffekt zu erzielen. Ein effektives Design von Pendelleuchten erfordert ein Gleichgewicht zwischen Ästhetik und Funktionalität. Von der Lichtquelle wird oft erwartet, dass sie optisch ansprechend ist und gleichzeitig eine effiziente Beleuchtung liefert, die das Ambiente eines Raumes verbessert.  Moderne Pendelleuchten verfügen oft über zusätzliche Eigenschaften wie Schalldämmung oder Feuerbeständigkeit und sind in einer Vielzahl von Farben, M... Mehr

Projekt • By KAON lineWohnungen

Renaissance of Light and Shadow

Step into the exquisite world of ‘Renaissance of Light and Shadow,’ an apartment that embodies the depth and drama reminiscent of the Caravaggio era. Rich, deep colors form a luxurious backdrop that captivates the gaze, evoking the intense allure of Caravaggio’s iconic paintings. KAON line KAON line KAON line KAON line KAON line Complementing this opulent palette is an elegant, soft shade that exudes sophistication, offering a refined counterpoint to the darker hues. The use of natural materials infuses the space with warmth and texture, harmonizing the elements seamlessly. Through the interplay of dramatic light and shadows, a dynamic symphony of tones unfolds, transforming every corner of the ap... Mehr

Projekt • By QPROKathedralen


The site allocated for the construction of the museum and temple center is located along the designed passage between the Tushino 2018 residential area and the Moskva River embankment..The volumetric-spatial composition of the temple is based on a combination of the stylobate part, planned to house a Sunday school, and a multi-stage single-domed volume. The architecture of the complex refers to the traditions of Vladimir-Suzdal architecture, forming an ensemble with a memorable silhouette along the Moscow River. Marika Volkova LIGHTING DESIGN SOLUTIONA distinctive feature of the white stone church of Equal-to-the-Apostles Grand Duke Vladimir is the facade with textured floral patterns, thanks to which classical architecture acquired a... Mehr

Projekt • By QPROFlughäfen


The superior comfort lounge of the new terminal of Novy Urengoy airport, designed by VOX Architects studio, helps passengers soak up the atmosphere of a unique natural phenomenon — Aurora Borealis(Northen Lights), that can now be observed not only in the night sky, but also inside the airport.Despite the fact that business lounge is on the first floor in the departure area, this space has no windows to observe a panoramic view of the flight strip. Architects team reinterpreted this significant feature and, with the help of an airy architectural volume, turned the dense darkness into the mystery of the polar night with shimmering “Northern Lights". SPACE PLANNINGThe architectural installation is not merely a decoration, it also... Mehr

Projekt • By BJ Arquitectes AssociatsGehäuse

House in Can Guardiola

The building follows the triangular shape of the plot whilst it grows in a spiral structure in order to find views and light. Pedro Pegenaute Pedro Pegenaute Therefore, the central empty space becomes a patio used to articulate the communication between spaces and is used to introduce light into the interior spaces and give them a sense of openness. Pedro Pegenaute Pedro Pegenaute Pedro Pegenaute The facade and the roof are made with zinc plates, a light facade option that allows cantilevers that span up to eight meters creating a provocative and singular volumetry. Pedro Pegenaute BJ Arquitectes BJ Arquitectes Mehr

Projekt • By ProlichtBüros


Für das Cybersecurity-Unternehmen OneSpan in Montreal wurden in Kooperation mit Inside Studio diverse Leuchten für das herausragende, neue Büro bereitgestellt. PROLICHT stellte hierbei seine exquisiten Leuchten aus den Produktfamilien SIGN und INVADER zur Verfügung. Unsere Leuchten, bekannt für ihre hohe Qualität und innovatives Design, trugen dazu bei, das moderne und zugleich einladende Ambiente des Büros zu unterstreichen. PROLICHT und Inside Studio teilten eine gemeinsame Vision für das Projekt, bei der es darum ging, historische Charakteristiken des Gebäudes mit modernen Elementen zu kombinieren und so einen einzigartigen Arbeitsplatz zu schaffen. Die verspielten Lichtinstallationen von PRO... Mehr

Projekt • By ProlichtBüros


Licht trifft auf Schönheit in Lustenau, Vorarlberg. Im Herzen des Troll Cosmetics GmbH Hauptquartiers entstand ein einzigartiges Arbeitsumfeld für die kreativen Köpfe hinter der renommierten Marke 'DECLARÉ'. Als Spezialisten für empfindliche Haut seit über 40 Jahren bietet DECLARÉ Produkte, die sowohl dermatologisch getestet als auch hochwirksam sind, und verbindet somit effektive Pflege mit maximaler Verträglichkeit. Thomas Gmeiner Photography Für das stimmungsvolle und effektive Lichtkonzept im Gebäude zeichnet PROLICHT verantwortlich. Hierbei kamen das MINIMAL TRACK System, das CODE System und die IMAGINE Downlights zum Einsatz. Diese Leuchten, minimalistisch und elegant im Desi... Mehr

Projekt • By ProlichtKrankenhäuser


Das Seed Medical Centre ist ein urbanes Wellness-Zentrum. Hier verschmelzen alte Weisheiten mit modernster Technik und Expertise. Es bietet ein ganzheitliches Erlebnis aus Gesundheit, Ernährung und Heilung. Besucher finden Wartezonen, Spezialistenbereiche, Behandlungsräume und Büros. Tropische Pflanzen bereichern das Ambiente, unterstützt von spezieller Beleuchtung und künstlichen Oberlichtern. Durch eine innovative Software wirkt das Licht natürlich. Die Luftqualität ist hervorragend: weniger CO2, mehr Sauerstoff. Peia Associati Das Wohlbefinden der Patienten steht im Mittelpunkt. Auch Besucher und Personal genießen den Komfort. Das Projekt revolutioniert die Raumbeleuchtung. Es entstand in Z... Mehr