Concrete Tent
Iwan Baan

Concrete Tent

Ensamble Studio como Arquitectos

The Tent covers the space like a blanket. Its geometries adapt to the airy body that it delimits and embraces, without constraining it. Air and light flow through its openings, and the landscape sneaks in too, filling the cracks in the material.

photo_credit Iwan Baan
Iwan Baan

This architecture is hand-moulded, with hands that fold, connect, dream up the structure and the space, in unison. Starting with the model, which serves as a sketch and a miniature construction, we go on to data, scanning each movement and each detail, guided by intuition. After the designing comes the engineering, and then back to the designing.

photo_credit Iwan Baan
Iwan Baan

All of this happens over just five days, and then another five days to carry out the action in the rural environment. The construction is reminiscent of the design process in terms of its dynamic; the form has already been established, the structures calculated, the lines marked out.

photo_credit Iwan Baan
Iwan Baan

The work gets underway by drawing the reinforcing bars in three dimensions; the measurements and proportions are checked, the front put in place. And when the lines have been validated, we start painting the structure, as if we were painting over a sketched-out canvas, adding material, texture and colour in one unique, unrepeatable gesture.

photo_credit Iwan Baan
Iwan Baan

Layer by layer, its flexible folds get more rigid, its elastic membranes get harder, its damp skin dries out. Layer by layer, an architecture materialises, one which is both fabric-like and rock-like, light and permanent, fluid and stony. Either one or the other, depending on how you look at it, or how you touch it.

photo_credit Iwan Baan
Iwan Baan

It rises from the ground and it leans slightly, as if it were meant to be a short- term structure, but its supports have taken root and they hold up a space that lies between the trees, looking out at the sea. It silently hopes to be taken in by nature, embraced, welcomed into the fold.


Author of the project: Antón García- Abril &
Debora Mesa Molina
Project team: Ensamble Studio
Javier Cuesta (building engineer)
Borja Soriano
Alvaro Catalan
Fernando González
Developer: Ensamble Studio
Construction management: Materia Inorgánica
Consultants: Jesús Huerga (Structure)

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