Produttori · 42.343
I migliori produttori e architetti specificano nei loro progetti. Trovate il produttore giusto per il vostro prossimo progetto. Effettuate una ricerca per settori di prodotto e riferimenti di progetto per trovare il produttore giusto per il vostro progetto.
Ordina Per
Landscape Forms is the industry leader in integrated collections of high-design site furniture, lighting, structure, and custom environments. For more than 50 years Landscape Forms has been producing site furniture and accessories that help...
Settori di prodotto:
Posti a sedere su panchina ,
Panchine ,
Portabiciclette ,
Luci di dissuasore , +33
Stern Engineering designs, develops, and delivers innovative solutions which protect our most precious resource... water. For over 30 years Stern has been a pioneer in designing water saving sanitary products with cutting-edge infrared tech...
Settori di prodotto:
Armadietti per il bagno ,
Specchi da bagno ,
Rubinetti per lavabo ,
Sciacquoni per il bagno , +7
Applicato in: Not Available yet
Unika Vaev was founded in 1975, upon purchasing the name rights of a small textile mill in Denmark that was the chief supplier of our earliest textile collections. The name – a source of endless questioning – means “unique...
Settori di prodotto:
Rivestimenti 3D ,
Accessori ,
Accessori per il soffitto ,
Rivestimento in ceramica , +19
At Doug Mockett & Company we strive for simplicity in design and a spareness in execution. We have done so for 30 years. We are the leader in innovative furniture components and architectural hardware. Please enjoy our extended product line...
Settori di prodotto:
Scrivanie da ufficio ,
Canaline portacavi ,
Prese multimediali ,
Cassettiere , +18
Applicato in: Not Available yet
Banker Wire is committed to wire mesh. As the worldwide leader in the manufacturing of woven and welded wire mesh for architectural and industrial applications, Banker Wire creates cutting-edge products that challenge the status quo. By per...
Settori di prodotto:
Ascensori commerciali ,
Armadi e armadietti ,
Divisori di camera ,
Rivestimento metallico , +8
Recommended in USA
It's a great time to be alive! Your access to great design and authentic materials with the ability to connect directly to the people who make them means you can design your world your way. So who are we and why did we create the first DIY...
Settori di prodotto:
Rivestimento decorativo delle pareti ,
Porte esterne
As the North American arm of the global YKK AP group of companies, YKK AP America is a technology-oriented manufacturer of commercial facade systems and r...
Settori di prodotto:
Finestre in alluminio ,
Facciate in calcestruzzo ,
Cornici ,
Facciate continue , +4
European Home is a manufacturer and distributor of contemporary gas fireplaces. Our products include the iconic Focus Fires (France) line of suspended gas and wood fireplaces, Flamerite (UK), the most realistic and innovative in electric fi...
Settori di prodotto:
Rivestimento in mattoni ,
Materiali compositi ,
Elementi architettonici decorativi ,
Caminetti , +3
Coronado Stone Products® offers a variety of manufactured stone veneer, thin brick, tile and precast products. Architectural stone veneer can be used to greatly enhance the look and feel of a project. Our products are hand crafted from natu...
Applicato in:
Paesaggio ,
Italian company that design and manufacture custom brass range hoods, handmade copper bathtubs, hammered copper sinks, copper cookware, and more for residential and commercial projects. We offer a complete custom-made service and interior d...
Settori di prodotto:
Cappe da cucina ,
Altro - tavole ,
Elettrodomestici da cucina ,
Lavelli da cucina , +3
A well-designed bathroom and locker room can be the deciding factor in elevating a building from good to great and the ASI Group has the most innovative collection of Washroom Access...
Settori di prodotto:
Armadietti per il bagno ,
Ripiani del bagno ,
Cestini per il bagno ,
Spogliatoi , +7
Applicato in: Not Available yet