Cladding systems

An overview of projects, products and exclusive articles about cladding systems

Prodotto • By Fry RegletGraph Wall System

Graph Wall System

Graph Wall System consists is a factory-fabricated frame that accommodates a variety of panel options. The modular frame streamlines installation and enhances accuracy over traditional Z Clip systems. Explore a wide range profile colors and finishes, and get the panel look you want. Send us your elevation, and we’ll send pricing and a 3-Part Guide Specification.  Caption Caption Caption Caption Caption Caption Caption Caption Altro

Prodotto • By LunawoodLunawood ThermoWood® Cladding for reduced carbon construction

Lunawood ThermoWood® Cladding for reduced carbon construction

Lunawood is a beautiful, sustainable and toxic-free wood material produced by using only natural methods, heat and steam. All Lunawood products are designed and manufactured in Finland with years of professionalism and passion. Lunawood Thermowood creates a connection between urban people and nature anywhere in the world. Grown and strengthened for nearly 80 years in the harsh climate of the north, the renewable and certified forest provides the best wood material that will last for decades.  Thermal modification improves the wood’s properties, thereby expanding the range of applications in which the wood can be used. Lunawood is dimensionally stable, resistant to decay and resin free - it can be used inside or outdoors, in any... Altro

Prodotto • By GammaStoneEsterni - facciate microventilate

Exteriors - microventilated façades

La parete microventilata è un sistema di rivestimento esterno caratterizzato dalla presenza di una sottile intercapedine d'aria (aperta in alto e in basso) tra la faccia esterna della parete perimetrale ed il rivestimento della stessa. L'intercapedine d'aria genera un "effetto camino" in grado di creare un moto ascensionale d'aria che disperde il vapore acqueo proveniente dagli ambienti interni. Il sistema micro ventilato è particolarmente adatto per la ristrutturazione di vecchi edifici e in tutti quei progetti dove ci sono difficoltà e non modificabilità degli spazi dove verrà applicata la facciata. Altro