
An overview of projects, products and exclusive articles about moon

NotizieNotizie • 4 mar 2021

Formgiving: A BIG moonshot for the future of architecture

“Formgiving. An Architectural Future History” is the third book in Bjarke Ingels Group’s Taschen series, following “Yes is More” and “Hot to Cold”. It should come as no surprise that the visionaries of BIG have some pretty provocative ideas about the future, going as far as what living on the Moon or Mars would look like. The name “Formgiving” comes from the Danish word for design, which means: “to give form to that which has not yet taken shape. In other words to give form to the future.” The book is organised into three parts: past, present, and future. Past sets out a decelerating logarithmic timeline of six evolutionary threads: Making, Sensing, Thinking, Moving, Sustain... Altro

NotizieNotizie • 1 ott 2020

BIG teams up with 3D printing company ICON to develop space-based construction system

BIG in collaboration with ICON and SEArch+ (Space Exploration Architecture) will work with NASA to begin research and development of a space-based construction system that can support extra-terrestrial habitation. NASA’s Artemis program has allocated the Moon as the first off-Earth site for sustainable surface exploration. BIG and ICON will begin designing a sustainable lunar habitat, named Project Olympus. The robust structures need to provide better thermal, radiation, and micrometeorite protection than metal or inflatable habitats can offer. The team is driven by the need to make humanity a spacefaring civilization. "To explain the power of architecture, "formgiving" is the Danish word for design, which literally means to g... Altro

Prodotto • By Davide Groppi srlMOON


Davide Groppi, 2005 Carta giapponese - PE Lampada a sospensione Vista da quaggiù la luna ha mille sfumature. E ogni volta che torna, perfettamente piena, genera in chi la guarda un piccolo sussulto.È una magia. E funziona sempre, come tutte le magie.Ognuno ha la sua luna.Moon nasce da un sogno, quello di portare la luna dentro casa.La superficie di carta giapponese, fatta a mano, rende unico ogni pezzo. Versioni 60 / 80 / 120 / 200 / 60 DE Altro

Prodotto • By CATELLANI & SMITHStchu-Moon 05

Stchu-Moon 05

Stchu-Moon separa la fonte luminosa dall’oggetto illuminante, che acquista così una valenza estetica indipendente. La rifrazione della luce qui si confronta con superfici volutamente irregolari che ne moltiplicano la quantità rendendo l’oggetto stesso tutta luce.   Altro