Live M1 is a bench in which design and innovation go together. Interacts whith the fisical space that sorrounds it thanks to its led system, in this way the sensations that causes its organic shape go visible. The light reacts to the sound, changing the colour with the rhythm of the music, also you can schedule it for obtain the wished effect. Other programs allow to create different kinds of dynamic lighting, creating degraded colors. It includes an intensity light controller. The bench is taken apart, modules are joined by lateral anchorage.
Pouf whose main aim is the decoration of public spaces as hotels, banquet halls or shops; so it can fulfill the seating and decorative function in the space, thorough the integration of flexible LEDS with RGB color change below the upholstering. The product is completed with a circuit designed specially to control the intensity of these LEDS, with the purpose that the intensity of the light be proportional to the strength of the low frequencies of an audio input given by the user. With this circuit we can obtain the effect that the intensity of the light changes with the rhythm of the music.