Solar Assisted Natural Ventilation Systems The Residential Sola-Boost system compacts the principles of the Monodraught Sola-Boost Classic solar assisted natural ventilation system into a down scaled roof terminal ideal for non-commercial applications.
Fresh Air through Simple Design The system consists of an external louvre bank protected internally by an anti-bird mesh and internally divided. The simple, but effective design of the system allows for a whole house ventilation system which provides fresh air during the daytime as well as night-time cooling.
Low Carbon Operation with No Running Cost A fan served by a central core provides intake or extract air (intake as standard), powered by solar panels situated at within the system capping. The fan is designed to provide the additional natural ventilation in buildings when it is needed most, during summer, but with zero running cost. In order to maximise the performance of the solar powered fan, the system utilises the PowerTrack™ control system, which maximises the solar output to provide a smooth current from the solar panels and optimised fan flow.