To cater to the more attentive tastes in home décor, NovaBell presents Walking – a floor rich in personality and emotion that’s also pratical and reliable for everyday living. Available in a variety of colours, it’s perfect for creating a good balance between the floor and its surrounging environment.
The formats offered (60x60, 70x35, 35x35, 11,5x35) also ensure that one’s own personality can be imprinted into the living space. The quality of the raw materials and state-of-the-art technology ensure easy cleaning and resistance over time. Walking is the ideal floor covering for trendy spaces, where surfaces take the leading roles and show every detail of their characters and personalities.
Walking is part of the “NovaBell ecosystem” program. The program brings together porcelain stoneware products in the interests of sustainable development, intended as the safeguarding of the environment, health and safety.