

All About Home Radiators

The term ‘Radiator’ was coined in the year 1834. Radiators are heat exchangers that transfer thermal energy from one source to another for cooling and heating purposes. These are mostly used in buildings, automobiles and electronics. Most radiators use convection for transferring the heat. Traditionally, radiators produce heat through the use of a heated substance that is circulated through its pipes and transfers its thermal energy to the conductive material. The substance when cooled is transferred to the boiler for re-heating. Modern radiators are smarter and these don’t need fluid to generate heat. Modern radiators are made of cast iron, steel or aluminium and take significantly less time to get hot.

Radiators are becoming immensely popular and are being touted as the most comfortable form of heating. Radiators provide centralized heating and are controllable. Consumers can choose to heat a particular room or rooms, or they can choose to heat up the entire house. Consumers also have the option of having radiator installed for any particular room. Radiators come in various sizes and have different heating capacity. Further, the boilers of the radiators have high efficiency. Most radiators are also known for a low level of operating noise.

There are many types of home radiators available in the market. These are – convector radiators and radiators. Convector radiators can be further bifurcated into single panel convector radiators, double panel convector radiators and double panel double convector radiators. Convector radiators are more energy friendly and consume 10% less energy than normal radiators. Convector radiators heat up and cool down quickly too in comparison to normal radiators.

Consumers need not worry much when their radiators are functioning properly, but when they hear noises or realise that the radiator is not heating up properly, it’s time for some maintenance. For a steam heating system, if the radiator is not heating properly, check if the floor has settled beneath it or the radiator may be clogged or have dirty air vents. In that case, remove the air vents once these are cooled and boil them. If that doesn’t help, replace them. For a hot water radiator, a valve can get stuck or air may get trapped in the radiator. The consumer is advised  to drain the valve in that case.

Traditionally, radiators were only for practical usage. Modern radiators, on the contrary, also add aesthetic value to the environment in which these are used. Radiators come in various shapes and sizes and even designer radiators can be purchased nowadays. These also double up as mirrors.

Company Spotlight : Scirocco H Srl

Founded in 1989, Scirocco is headquartered in Gattico, in the area of Novara. They design home radiators and bathroom towel heaters. It is the first company in Italy to have produced the towel warmer. They focus primarily on bathroom furnishings. This brand aims to provide quality products to consumers by using a variety of primary materials and unique colour combinations. They also collaborate with Italian designers to further improve their design language.