TFN Architectural signage worked with EQ Office Property Management to fabricate and install all the signage mentioned below at Canvas in Costa Mesa. Canvas is a vibrant corporate center that is heavily influenced by the cultural and local arts communities. Formerly known as the South Coast Corporate Center, Canvas is re-imagined by RIOS in collaboration with Wolcott and CB Creative as a blank canvas with the intent to innovate organizations and work cultures rooted in collaboration, community and creativity. Local artwork, project lounges, a farmer’s market, fitness center, conference facilities, abundant parking, cafe and catering as well as dog-friendly spaces are just a few of the dynamic services that support a flexible and dynamic office experience for everyone. The signage listed below was designed by Rios, and fabricated and installed by TFN Architectural Signage.
Monument Signs
There are two project site monument signs at Canvas identifying Canvas North and Canvas South. Each of the monuments are painted fabricated aluminum cabinets that have internally illuminated translucent white acrylic lettering. “CANVAS” appears in large sculptural letters on top of each monument which are also made of fabricated aluminum with illuminated white acrylic faces.
Large Building Addresses
Each of the buildings are labeled with painted flat cut aluminum addresses that are curved to conform to the rounded surface of the existing brick pillars.
Pedestrian Directionals
Pedestrian directionals are strategically located throughout the property. They are constructed of painted aluminum plates with screen-printed graphics. The directionals vary in design, but they all have a thin and sculptural element to them. When looking at them from a certain vantage point the signs are barely visible, but at other angles they are entirely viewable and offer wayfinding information as well as details about the artwork installed around the campus. This encourages visitors to become inspired and explore the unique art throughout the property.
Vehicular Directionals
Vehicular Directionals appear as arrows pointing towards the referenced locations that are indicated on each sign. They are painted aluminum plates with painted flat cut, flush-mounted aluminum graphics on the sign faces.