This project was made inside of the building which is one of the symbols of modern architecture in Zagreb and protected with the highest category of importance by the Institute for building and environment protection. Original building is designed by eminent modernist architect Marijan Haberle.
This project respects and preserves existing key elements of the original architecture such as glass facade, interior space geometryand details like staircase and stone cladding. Project occupies ground floor and gallery. New content such as open office space, reception and service spaces are gently integrated not to disrupt original space geometry.
Gallery level is transforming into open space office while preserving original contours.Main content which is compiled of magnetic resonance room and associated service rooms is placed in two story space as a separate volume made out of steel construction, offset from original irregular gallery edge, which with its irregular shape and specific wood cladding gives added value through new modern identity of space manifested from the inside and outside the building.
This project shows that protection of architectural heritage is most effective only through adding new sustainable purpose in combination with sophisticated architecture transformation to achieve all necessary conditions but at the same time to respect identity of heritage.