Background Architecture has always been the mirror of the society. Historically it has represented the changes in the socio-cultural and political scenario. Durga Puja being the biggest socio-cultural event of the Bengali society , the pandals can be envisaged as the temporary pavilions which act as the container of the public spaces.
Composition The design concept of the Ballygunje Cultural Association pandal thus looked to set up an architectural environment that represents the present and looks into the future transformation of the societies in the next decade. Any structure is an indicator of the progress, engineering knowledge and the construction techniques of the prevalent society. in this light , the pandal itself is not a replica of any previous architectural marvels , nor does it follows a mere embellishments as a surface treatment. The concept explores the volumetric aspects of space that can evoke the sensory experience of the visitors by the change of scale, from human to monumental , through the formal composition of the various elements and through lighting arrangements which adds a fourth dimension.
Form and materials The structure uses the latest parametric forms of the modern architectural designs, simulated in computers and uses the modern industrial elements like steel, acrylic and iron. It sheds away from the normal methods of doing up with bamboo or cloth and refrains from using ornamental , ad hoc materials which attempts only to create stir on surface. It also does not attempts to create gymnastics with jumbled, juxtaposed forms. Rather it represents a honest structure in which the functional and formal elements combine to create a space for the public realm.
Symbolism However like any other architectural edifice it also has a strong symbolic association which looks to find a modern expression remaining within the traditional and cultural legacy of the evolving society. The transformation from red to blue , from outside to inside , represents the journey from evil to good as one enters the sanctuary , drawing parallel to the tradition of using voluptuous , hedonistic sculptures outside the temple facades and complete feeling of holiness as one enters the inside sanctum . The four pillars, the trees of life connects the earth to the heaven above. The inscriptions on the laser cut metal sheets reminds one of the stone inscriptions of the ancient temples that were meant to deliver religious,social and moral messages to the mass.
Message Overhauling message that the structure embodies is that how tradition can be preserved and celebrated within the furtuistic mechanised modern and modular society. It does it in its own way without copying anachronistic elements from the past but mirrors the underlying values and respect for the tradition in its own realm. It attempts to create public spaces that are self contained , in their design, form ,structure , material and methods of construction. It shows technology is not against tradition rather it fulfils it purpose and continue to do so in amongst future generations , may be in their own original ways.