The objective in an archeological excavation is to find out what the history was through its traces. To reach this objective it is necessary to learn how to interpret the ancient remains we may find.
The archeological process parts from something buried, obscure, hidden and tries to bring it to light. The enlightening is the key of the process. Using a negatoscope (the medical instrument used to visualize the x-rays) as a reference, we provide a dark context were we may illuminate the parts that are considered important, in this case, the exposed objects.
In the material exposed in the center we can find certain knowledge and hypothesis, different gradients of light are used to difference between the different levels in certainty. The aesthetic of the building comes from the most commonly used colors in the Iberian culture, red, yellow and black.
Architecture and exhibition design: AWEN Arquitectos: Iñigo Elorduy, Chusa Castander, Virginia Domingo, Sandra González, Ignacio Martínez-Illera, John Hick, Beatriz Megía.