The intervention is located in Vila Brasilândia, one of the favelas that grow under the shadow of skyscrapers in São Paulo’s outskirts.
Truly a house ocean that extends beyond the limit of the horizon. We were able to settle in the favela, trying to understand how life unfolds inside it.
According to the process, the neighbors participation was a key element for making the project more fluent and spontaneous.
The kids were always in the lead. All together cleaned and painted the alleys to bring a sense of empowerment.
We defined the framework in the narrow and winding alleyways which connect the higher and lower urban areas, known as "vielas."
The project aims to respond to this particular spatial complexity. We flattened the perspective, so from a certain spot (anamorphosis), the words «BELEZA» (beauty), «FIRMEZA» (Strenght), «AMOR» (Love), «DOÇURA» (Sweetness), «ORGULHO» (Pride), «MAGICA» (Magic) and «POESIA» (Poetry) can be read. All the words were surrounded by a flat color, equally covering the construction materials, democratizing the space.
These were for us, the portrait of the favela.