Olio is an experience, inside it everything is green an quiet. the intention was to involve consumer's sight and emotions. he can see the chef in his kitchen preparing foods, he can feel sounds and cooking smells and at the end he can taste what he saw cooked. Olio is a pretty little restaurant. It counts of two parts: the first one in which there is the cooking laboratory, the second dedicated to consumers. In this second part there are two kind of sits, one more quiet which counts about ten sits, the second counts about five sits and is more like a fast food. In the middle of these two parts there is a diaphragm, a big buffet realized by glass and steel. it is a big filter and also a showcase because through it the consumer can see the cooking laboratory and many other things like biscuits or pasta or medicinal plants. The only other matherial is the phenolic pine for tables, the counter and other furnishings.
Restaurant - OLIO /glocalfoodexperience
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