REFLECTIONS an architectural interpretation of the Taiwanese Mountains reflecting in the sea,a building of 65.000m2 libary and exhibition spaces in the Center of Taichung.
The building consists of 3 interconnecting spaces, interpreting known landscape motives.
LIBRARY - Mountains
The mountains of Taiwan get converted to Mountains of Knowledge on the roof as recognizable symbol.
Horizon is a lookout platform towards the park and the city of Taichung (Hybrid of interconnected libary and museum causing synergies to both programs)
The museum is placed in the introverted part of the building and forms a shady cave structure as public plaza.
HYBRID The stacking of functions leads to a new building typology, causing synergies and new possibilities to the intertwining programs.
CIRCULATION & ENVIRONMENT The REFLECTION Arts and Library building as a landmark is the missing link between Taiwan Tower and Convention Center, fullfilling the green belt connecting Natural Museum of Natural Science in the North and Taiwan Museum of Art in the South.
Entrances to Park and City, shady Plaza amidst the park as attractive adress for the new public center.Sculpture garden in the park, visible and attracting visitors, creating a urban space for sitting, reading, leisure and performance.
Visitors are guided by shaped hightlines (park topography), dissolving boundaries between building and landscape, barrier free transition between inside and outside is provided.
CONTEXT & ENVIRONMENT The building is designed as a strong implant at the border of the central park area, with the goal to strenghten connections between park and city and to create a lively urban plaza with strong impact on public life and inspiring space for creativity and leisure. A traditional block of program would disconnect park and city. The lifted building mass offers possibilities to keep important connections and views and to introduce a new urban typology (a covered outdoor plaza as connection between the building blocks and the park).
The REFLECTION Arts and Libary building gives a present-day answer to the neighborhood’s sturdy new developements. Like a cliff coming into view through wind and water, the block rises through the vectors of leveling and distance measurements, connections, boundaries of properties and functions, resembling crystal cut angularly on all sides. The interior is amazing in its open rooms, diverse views and vistas.