‬ timber engineering

An overview of projects, products and exclusive articles about ‬ timber engineering

NewsInnovations • 15 May 2024

Wangen Tower is first multi-level and climbable structure to use self-shaped timber components

Wangen Tower is the first multi-level and climbable structure to use self-shaped, structural timber components. The tower’s design and build is based on research from the Cluster of Excellence “Integrative Computational Design and Construction for Architecture” (IntCDC) at the University of Stuttgart. The tower was created as an architectural landmark and a pioneering timber structure for the Landesgartenschau 2024 (this large-scale, annual horticultural show takes place in different regions of Germany — the 2024 edition is in western Allgäu). ICD/ITKE/IntCDC University of Stuttgart (Photo: Nina Baisch) ICD/ITKE/IntCDC University of Stuttgart Wangen Tower connects the Landesgartenschau site in... More

Project • By RitikaaWoodPrivate Houses

Hyderabad Farmhouse

An Expansive Farmhouse close to the bustling city of Hyderabad, this property gives a royal treatment to your eyes. From the large windows allowing light in, to the rustic Timber Roof signaling the grandeur that the project represents. Ricken Desai Ricken Desai Ricken Desai More

Project • By yutaestudioRestaurants


Sane Coffee, which was created by overseeing branding and interior design at Yuja Studio, has derived the relaxation and comfort felt after climbing the uphill as a brand concept. It created a comfortable and relaxed mood in line with the motto of "Rest and Rest space," which is derived from geographical characteristics located at the end of the uphill along the mountain's panoramic view. Caption Caption Caption The main house, the annex, and the Jungjeong outdoor terrace surround visitors and convey the warmth of their hometown as if they were their childhood. Based on the Zen style, it is a loose but complete space with a calm color, organized layout, a contemplative view that comes into the window coolly, and a collection... More
Small house hotel units
Small house hotel units
Small house hotel units

Project • By Mange Bekker ArkitekturIndividual Buildings

Elva Hotel

Elva Hotel (The River Hotel) is a small hotel in Voss, Norway. Voss is renowned for its spectacular landscape and as a popular destination for outdoor and extreme sports enthusiasts. The client’s main goal was to establish unique accommodation, connected to their existing activities center, for active guests to experience and explore the local nature.  Sam Hughes The site is an old industrial area in a relatively urban setting. One of the main focuses of the project was to transform the area by repairing the landscape. This involved cleaning up industrial waste, removing foreign plant species, and reestablishing the wetland habitat along the lakefront. The benefit of such a site is that project improves and repairs the natu... More

Project • By Freimuller Sollinger Architektur ZT GmnHSupermarkets


The project arose from a variety of different demands. A five-story solid wood building was to be built in an urban setting, while paying close attention to a lively mix of uses with plenty of greenery and multiple connections and views throughout the structure. Once a parking lot for 40 cars and a single story supermarket is now a mixed-use residential building yielding 85 apartments, as well as a parking garage and supermarket in its base. Freimueller Soellinger Architektur, photos: Kurt Hoerbst Four stepped wooden houses sit crosswise on a base parallel to the neighboring residential buildings. The residential plateau and the surrounding open spaces house landscaped gardens, forming high quality recreational spaces, both for the re... More

Project • By JOSEPPrivate Houses

Am Sagberg

Wooden massive construction and reinforced concrete in response to an extreme hillside location, that does not forgive mistakes. A lack of access elevates even minimally excavated soil to a logistical challenge. The solution: fillings on the property, which now elegantly divide it into terraces. From now on, this larch-sheathed building will serve as a harmonious bridge between upstairs and downstairs, between nature and urban living. Sebastian Haumer Sebastian Haumer Sebastian Haumer Sebastian Haumer More

Project • By De Zwarte HondOffices

Alliander Westpoort

The City of Amsterdam has a serious space shortage and is looking for business locations that can be redeveloped into housing. One such is the location on Spaklerweg in Amsterdam Amstel, where Alliander has been housed for more than 100 years. After a joint search, the city and network operator have found a suitable plot for a new building in the Sloterdijk 3 port area. Alliander Westpoort, as the location will be called, will offer space for offices, training facilities, workshops, storage and test areas. Jacques Tillmans Foto Focus De Zwarte Hond has translated the functional requirements and aspirations for the new location into an extremely resilient design, which takes account of Alliander’s possibly changing future needs.... More

NewsNews • 16 May 2023

Students design and build a mass timber observatory to study forest canopies

A team of students and researchers have built the Forest Lab for Observational Research and Analysis (FLORA) in the Parc Natural de Collserola (Collserola Natural Park), an extensive green space in Barcelona’s metropolitan area. A mass timber structure, FLORA is an observatory from which the park's forest canopy can be studied. Moreover, its use can be adapted to any forest in the world. Adrià Goula FLORA is the project of a cohort of students undertaking the Masters in Advanced Ecological Buildings and Biocities (MAEBB) at IAAC (Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia). This immersive degree program focuses on designing and constructing a new generation of buildings and cities that respond to the planet&rsqu... More
Interior - Work environment
Interior - Work environment
Detail of CLT walls

Project • By OslotreOffices


HasleTre is situated at the outer edge of the central city of Oslo, Norway. The design brief was to develop an environmentally friendly, flexible, and innovative commercial building, using elements that are possible to disassemble and reuse. The project has a substantial reduction in overall GHG emissions (59%) and is certified to BREEAM NOR Excellent standard.  Einar Aslaksen Einar Aslaksen HasleTre is a 3000m2 office building over 5 floors including basement and roof-terraces. The building is using a mass timber structural system. The 5x5 meter grid system makes for flexible plan solutions; cell offices, open offices, meetingrooms, smaller rooms etc. Dag Sandven To retain the structure’s second-hand reuse, flex... More

Project • By Peter W. Schmidt ArchitektenApartments


On an exposed site at the western entrance to the city of Pforzheim, an ensemble of buildings is being constructed that finds answers to two major challenges of our time: on the one hand, the pressing need for residential space and daycare centers, especially in large cities, and on the other hand, the question of how to build sustainably and thereby take ecological requirements into account. The ensemble consists of the CARL timber hybrid high-rise, which at 14 stories is the tallest wooden high-rise to date, and two further four- and six-story structures. In total, the buildings will offer 73 apartments with over 5,300 square meters of high-quality living space, and will also house a daycare center for 100 children and a bakery. ©... More

Project • By OslotrePrivate Houses

Two villas - Flesaasveien

Elegantly placed and intertwined with the sloping terrain, the two villas on Flesaasveien have a simple yet striking volume. The two buildings are positioned next to an existing house in a residential neighbourhood to the north of Oslo, Norway. The surrounding area is characterised by its green and open spaces. With a sensitivity to the surrounding context and site conditions, this densification project eases into the neighbourhood without overcrowding the site. A combination of curves and straight lines in the project gives a refreshing but modern addition. The exterior is clad in untreated heartwood of pine, outer corners rounded to provide a dynamic yet soft and fluid appearance. Einar Aslaksen Einar Aslaksen Fitting two addit... More

Project • By OslotreHousing

Y Cabin

Y cabin is located in the Vikerfjell mountain range in Ringerike, Norway. Extending slightly out over a small crag, it peeks out between the pine trees and gazes upon a northern forest landscape. The building volume branches out in three directions from a central pivot point, where six differently angled cross laminated timber slats meet. This creates a complex roof geometry which allows for an open and flexible space, eliminating the need for beams and columns. Nadia Norskott Kyrre Sundal The plan is zoned into the three branches. One of which contains the bedrooms, clad in ocher-colored valchromat, while the two remaining branches are split between the dining room and a living room / kitchen space. The fireplace, centered where... More

Project • By EntropicBridges

Himlavalvet, Ängelholm Bridge

DESIGN DESCRIPTION Entropic has won the competition for a new road bridge in Ängelholm, Sweden. Himlavalvet, translating to the Swedish phrase ”heavens Vault”, the bridge will allow people to climb a structural staircase and connect with the sky above to be one with the surrounding natural environment.  Today, cities and towns are shifting towards providing greater diversity in how we can interact with the city, to encourage people to be active and outdoors. Himlavalvet will combine a recreational viewing point with Ängelholms infrastructural needs. People will be able to climb the new bridge and enjoy views over the landscape, a space to play, meet and relax! The bridge will become not only a vital new connecti... More

Project • By Taller Ciudad PortátilTownscapes

YUMA LAB | River Workshop

The River Workshop raised with the mission of rediscovering in the same place and in one project, the world of academia, businessmen and professionals of art, design, architecture, engineering, promoted by CORHUILA University and ESAA, based in ideas to rethink collectively about the dynamics, imaginaries and interactions that build the new city models. Through experimental practices and collaborative environments that allow the construction of a disruptive urban intervention, with the ability to dialogue and reflect on being, belonging and living in the CITY OF THE RIVER MAGDALENA. Andrés Hernández. As a result of the "Taller del Río" "YUMA LAB" was born. Yuma = (River of the friendly country), name with which... More

Project • By HEDUniversities

UIUC Mechanical Engineering Building

Located at the intersection of Green Street and Mathews Avenue in Urbana, the Mechanical Engineering Building (MEB) is centrally located on the University of Illinois’ main campus. Constructed in 1947, the original 66,000 square foot building has been renovated to meet new programmatic needs and adjacencies and adapt to rapidly changing pedagogies. Tom Harris A five-level, 36,000 square foot addition provides state-of-the-art instructional facilities, including active learning classrooms with audio-visual technology systems designed for short-term needs and long-term vision. A second addition infills the building’s exterior courtyard, expanding the existing building footprint and creating new, innovative project laboratori... More