Antarctica Architects
Antarctica Architects

Antarctica Architects

At Antarctica we bring design to a broad set of situations and audiences, including peripheral locations, difficult problems and tight budgets. We aim for our work to participate in the widest environment it can; in new forms of communication, in sensitive natural environments, new types of cities, and with ordinary life.

The two directors of Antarctica, Graham Crist and Nicola Garrod have been part of the company since its inception; Graham as a founding director, and Nicola becoming a director in 2014.

The office promotes collaboration across teams and design disciplines.Our involvement in academic work at RMIT University means that our design is informed by research, experimentation and reflection.

Our ideas are disseminated broadly– writing for journals, giving lectures, teaching, and frequently publishing and exhibiting our projects.

Architecture is immersed in the complicated world of social environments, rather than the pure domains of technologies or ideal landscapes. As designers of the built environment we include politics and economics as the context for those designs.

Our Projects
Antarctica Architects Offices
Antarctica Architects
41 A'Beckett St, Melbourne VIC 3000, Australia