Chauriye Stäger Arquitectos
Chauriye Stäger Arquitectos

Chauriye Stäger Arquitectos

Our office seeks to find the best solution for each assignment we receive. Our aim is to provide a thorough analysis of the program and location of our projects which, rather than look for a particular identity through the repetition of a certain style, reflect the particularity of each assignment or client. We think a good client makes good architecture. Architecture is both a public service and a private matter. It should honour the people that live in it, as well as their well-being, comfort and dignity. It shelters all human activities, from sleeping to eating, whether at work or for leisure. It constitutes a starting point for self-development and ought to inspire emotions, experiences and memories. As a fundamental and all-encompassing part of our society, it needs not only to conform to the client´s needs or the architect´s tastes but, more importantly¸ it should answer to the city and its inhabitants. Architecture forms part of a whole. Rather than being singled out, it should converge with and contribute to its surroundings in order to seamlessly connect human beings with their habitat. It should “fit” within the space it occupies, as if it had always been there, avoiding pretence, frills and fanciness. It should be both contemporary and timeless. After all, only those that stand the test of time are truly modern. Architecture is a cultural tradition based on centuries of learning. To project is literally “to launch ahead”, but for this process to be successful, it needs to be based on the experience of our forebears. It is therefore important to understand the history of Architecture and of the places it proposes to embellish. The length of a construction project often exceeds the average human life span, which prompts us to reflect upon buildings´ evolutionary capacity and their adaptability to constant change and new technology.
Our Projects
Chauriye Stäger Arquitectos Offices
Chauriye Stäger Arquitectos
Santiago, Chile