The idea of architecture means creating small worlds, public or private places can relate to what exists, or can be isolated and belong to a private universe. Must contain the aspirations of customers and searches the architect.
The constant relationship that should exist between the two parties is essential for the work to come to terms, and enjoy spaces that are not only to be appreciated.
We seek a clean architecture, serving, Mexican, simple, geometric features, sometimes heavy, sometimes light.
Proportions of intentions, space, vegetation, privacy, color, life.
Mtro. Arq. Abraham Cota Paredes
Master in Architectural Design
Architect. University of Guadalajara 2008 Guadalajara, Mexico.
Master in Architectural Design. 2012. Universidad de Navarra Pamplona, Spain.
Teacher workshop projects and Theory of Architecture Engineering career.
Universidad del Valle de Atemajac. UNIVA 2013 to date.
Honorable mention: BRT station design (rapid bus system) in Guadalajara
Finalist (top 3) Scholarship Arq. Marcelo Zambrano CEMEX
International Talent Scholarship winner Navarra. 2012
Recognition by the selection of the play "House to see the heaven"
in Biennial IX Architecture Jaliscience 2015
Selected by the prestigious magazine Wallpaper as one of the most promising emerging practices in the architect's DIRECTORY 2016
Selected to participate in the Biennial of Latin American Architecture in Pamplona, Spain. April 2017