The Erik Jørgensen story begins in the town of Svendborg on the southern coast of the Danish island of Funen. Erik Jørgensen, who originally trained as a saddler and upholsterer, begins to pursue his passion for furniture professionally, and in 1954 he founds a workshop in town. Erik Jørgensen’s in-depth knowledge of materials and sense of form drive his professional development along with his curiosity and his flair for spotting new market trends. To this day, this understanding of customer demands and needs forms the foundation of Erik Jørgensen.
Erik Jørgensen’s vast network and constructive dialogue with the staff of Danish architects also help bring a steady flow of work to the workshop, which by now has become an actual furniture factory and earned a loyal following of fans who appreciate the sublime craftsmanship and simplicity of design that the factory’s skilled craftspeople deliver. This high level of craftsmanship remains one of the keys to Erik Jørgensen’s success.
Another key is Erik Jørgensen’s sense of the market and the customers’ demand for quality design furniture. A third key is Erik Jørgensen’s long-standing collaboration with highly skilled subcontractors in leather, cold-cured foam, wood and steel. Most subcontractors are Danish, which anchors production locally, and the close dialogue between factory and subcontractors help secure the high quality of the furniture.
Erik Jørgensen delivers furniture to countries all over the world, and the brand is associated with a sound aesthetic that is more than a passing fad. An aesthetic that rests on tradition and craftsmanship, but which is also nurtured by innovative furniture designs by both young and more established designers.
Innovation has always been a top priority for Erik Jørgensen. That is why the firm has held design competitions for new talents since 1995, which has helped shape the career path of important designers, including Ernst and Jensen, Ditte Hammerstrøm and Gamfratesi. The Cabinetmakers’ Autumn Exhibition is another national forum that Erik Jørgensen is involved in, and which celebrates experimental furniture created in an open dialogue between designer and manufacturer based on Scandinavian design heritage.
Today, Erik Jørgensen A/S is run by Niels and Ole Jørgensen, and it continues to be driven by the same ambitions of renewal and quality. By visions of perfection and provocation. Of the tangible expression of sublime comfort and quality craftsmanship.
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