Miguel Barbosa & Associados - Arquitectos, Lda
Miguel Barbosa + Associates is an innovative architecture and urban design office.
It has accomplished architectural works with extensive experience inthe arts, campus, and educational facilities, and residential work. Otherprojects include retail design, office design, public utilities, and masterplanning. With each project, the firm explores new ways to integrate anorganized idea with the programmatic and functional essence of abuilding. Rather than imposing a style upon different sites and climates, orpursued irrespective of program, the unique character of a program and a sitebecomes the starting point for an architectural idea.
While anchoring each work in its specific site and circumstance, Miguel Barbosa Architects endeavors to obtain a deeper beginning in theexperience of time, space, light, and materials. The phenomena of the space of a room, the sunlight entering through awindow, and the color and reflection of materials on a wall and floor, all haveintegral relationships. The materials communicate through resonance and dissonance, just asinstruments in musical composition, producing thought and sense-provokingqualities in the experience of a place undefined.
Extending this approach with ecological innovation, Miguel Barbosa + Associates is recognized for the ability to shapespace and light with great contextual sensitivity and to catalyze the uniquequalities of each project to create a concept-driven design at multiple scales,from minimal dwellings to new hybrid models of urbanism.