Our products and solutions are designed and developed to respect our values: quality, design, technology, responsibility.
Quality: ISO 9001 certified since 1995, PRESTO Group has made quality and client satisfaction a priority. Through this certification, we guarantee quality at all levels: organisation, management, production and environment.
Design: We create products that have a functional and timeless look. They are simple to install, intuitive to use and easy to maintain.
Technology: PRESTO solutions are designed for collective and intensive use: they are unequalled in terms of hygiene, comfort, solidity and resistance to vandalism.
Responsability: Since its creation, the PRESTO group has contributed to the respect of the environment by the permanent control of water and energy consumption using its innovations.
PRESTO timed tapware is manufactured using premium quality materials. It is fitted with a mechanism that is unique on the market: a synthetic, calibrated, wear-proof ruby, that cleans itself using a needle, with a 10 year guarantee, and of which only PRESTO has the patent. Our “PRESTO® Label” is a further guarantee of faultless quality and technical and commercial follow-up before and after installation.
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