waltritsch a+u, architetti urbanisti is operating since year 2001 in Trieste. The office activity is spanning between architecture, interior design and urban planning. It offers professional skills, creative solutions and efficient professional services, in order to reach ultimate project quality in accordance to the client goal and ambition. Projects are approached mixing pragmatism with an optimistic stance, combining research and professional knowledge, to build specific and unique solutions as the best answer to the given task.
Among realized projects, the cultural and educational KBcenter in Gorizia, the urban plan Casanova for the extension of the city of Bolzano with 1.000 new homes and services, the provincial Mediatheque Casiraghi in Gorizia and the renovation of the Cogeco headquarters in Trieste.
Projects and buildings have been published in magazines and books in Italy, Slovenia, The Netherlands, Germany, Spain, Portugal, Croatia, Austria, Switzerland, China, Korea, Singapore, Malaysia etc., and in more than 30 countries worldwide on the web. Works have also received several prizes and been exhibited throughout the world in many occasions (e.g. Columbia University New York, Berlage gallery Amsterdam, Biennale di Architettura Venezia and at the World Congress of Architecture UIA 2011 held in Tokyo).