The so-called fallow is not to let the land go barren, but to let the tired land recuperate and restore nutrients and fertility.
In this impetuous era of chasing speed and achievement, pressure and temptation coexist. Like every practitioner, we are encumbered by the times. And whenever we look back, we always understand that the most important thing is still the happiness of design, the lifestyle of having oneself, and the mission of architecture. Always bear in mind that fallow is the other half of farming. Grain is stored on the ground. I would like to reflect on fallow.
The Fallow Architectural Design Studio was established in Shanghai in 2017. The core members have worked in Isozaki New Studio and Neri&Hu Design and Research Office. The professional experience of the team covers public construction projects such as art galleries, libraries, museums, schools, concert halls, hotels, etc., focusing on proposing targeted design plans for different types of public spaces. While fully studying the rationality, it pursues Breakthrough and creative space use and space experience. We believe that architecture is not only a physical structure that satisfies functions, but also a space container that closely interacts with users. It is a space experience formed by light, shadow, sound and color, and details, and a place where rationality and spirituality coexist.