Peter Stasek Architects - Corporate Architecture
Peter Stasek Architects - Corporate Architecture
Peter Stasek Architects - Corporate Architecture

Peter Stasek Architects - Corporate Architecture

MatrixX Architectures by Peter Stasek The Architecure-Concept MatrixX Architectures has been developed by the architect Peter Stasek and represent an innovative concept for architecture projects comprises the inclusion of organicaly forms and naturale structures. An another part of this concept is the inclusion of augmented reality in the form of audio- and video surrounding conceptions as well as the holographical projectionens for a visuell space- and structure expansion. The functional implementation of the projects stands for an individuell building- and space configuration and contributes mainly to the corporate identity of the firm.
Unsere Projekte
Peter Stasek Architects - Corporate Architecture Offices
Peter Stasek Architects - Corporate Architecture Mannheim
R6 1, 68161 Mannheim, Germany