Alpha co-working

At DesignStudio como Arquitectos

In Alpha co-working space, architects, entrepreneurs, artists and professionals from other disciplines work together to create creative ideas. This space is used to share knowledge and experiences by gathering networks of social connections.


Alpha co-working space is designed with different features from the experiences in short lists and professionals with a new atmosphere than what is in the existing examples in the country.

Project Spotlight
Product Spotlight
New Quebec library by ACDF Architecture is an exercise in thoughtful adaptive reuse
4 jun. 2024 Noticias
La nueva biblioteca de Quebec, obra de ACDF Architecture, es un ejercicio de reutilización reflexiva y adaptativa.

El estudio de arquitectura canadiense ACDF Architecture ha terminado la nueva Bibliothèque T-... Más

Archello houses of the month - May 2024
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Casas Archello del mes - Mayo 2024

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FRPO designs green thermal power plant as architectural icon
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FRPO diseña una central térmica ecológica como icono arquitectónico

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C.F. Møller Architects demonstrates importance of evidence-based architecture to providing therapeutic mental health services
29 may. 2024 Noticias
C.F. Møller Architects demuestra la importancia de la arquitectura basada en pruebas para ofrecer servicios terapéuticos de salud mental

El estudio de arquitectura danés C.F. Møller Architects ha terminado el Hospital Unive... Más

Conen Sigl transforms the site of a former Swiss plant nursery into a cooperative housing complex
29 may. 2024 Noticias
Conen Sigl transforma el solar de un antiguo vivero suizo en un complejo de viviendas cooperativas

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