CIVIC LIBRARY - TRENTO -  Mezzolombardo
Marco Introini


Dap Studio / elena sacco - paolo danelli como Arquitectos

The new cultural centre is defined by the gentle connection between the historic building and the new additions, with openings and volumes on the entrance front that keep the alignment with the existing windows.

photo_credit Marco Introini
Marco Introini

The organisation of the spaces allows flexible and independent use of the conference room and study rooms. The library is a large open space where informal reading areas and consultation areas are alternated. The interior also includes new elements and materials that dialogue with the existing building: the staircase, the gallery, the "volumes" that diffuse light like large lamps and frame the main areas of the library.

photo_credit Marco Introini
Marco Introini
photo_credit Marco Introini
Marco Introini
photo_credit DAPSTUDIO / elena sacco - paolo danelli
DAPSTUDIO / elena sacco - paolo danelli
photo_credit DAPSTUDIO / elena sacco - paolo danelli
DAPSTUDIO / elena sacco - paolo danelli
photo_credit DAPSTUDIO / elena sacco - paolo danelli
DAPSTUDIO / elena sacco - paolo danelli
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