Art gallery design

An overview of projects, products and exclusive articles about art gallery design

Progetto • By FrankFranco ArchitectsAlloggi Privati


In the heart of creativity, where art becomes a way of life, lies an extraordinary residence that is itself a work of art. On a street aptly named Artist View Boulevard, nestled amidst the headwaters of the Humber River and with views of the distant escarpment, the home was designed for an art dealer, his family, and a sizable art collection. Scott Norsworthy At street view, the Artist View project corresponds with its surrounding community but distinguishes itself with a flanked entrance, encapsulating guests as they approach the front door. It’s here where the extraordinary details of the home begin to present themselves. Caption “We designed the Artist View project to have views of the exterior from every room. By... Altro

NotizieNotizie • 28 mar 2024

PLATO Gallery of Contemporary Art: Architecture finalist in Mies van der Rohe Awards 2024

In questa serie di Archello, analizziamo ciascuno dei sette progetti candidati (cinque finalisti per l'architettura e due finalisti emergenti) ai Mies van der Rohe Awards 2024.   PLATO Gallery of Contemporary Art Juliusz Sokołowski Lo studio di architettura polacco Robert Konieczny KWK Promes ha trasformato un ex macello in rovina nella città ceca di Ostrava nella Galleria d'arte contemporanea PLATO. Il progetto, frutto di un concorso internazionale organizzato dalla città di Ostrava, mira a rendere l'arte più accessibile e democratica. Una caratteristica particolarmente degna di nota è l'inserimento di sei magnifiche pareti girevoli che uniscono gli spazi interni ed esterni. Jakub Certowicz... Altro

NotizieNotizie • 26 mar 2024

Sameep Padora and Associates creates a flowing, organic art center in southern India

Lo studio di Mumbai Sameep Padora &; Associates (sP+a) ha completato Hampi Art Labs a Toranagallu, un villaggio nello stato meridionale del Karnataka, in India. Questa residenza per artisti e spazio espositivo si ispira al paesaggio circostante e al sito di Hampi, patrimonio dell'umanità dell'UNESCO in Karnataka. In un luogo in cui arte, patrimonio e natura si fondono, Hampi Art Labs trae la sua forma fluida e organica dal fiume Tungabhadra della regione. Aagam Mehta Kartik Rathod Il sito in cui si trova l'Hampi Art Labs era completamente brullo, un'area priva di vegetazione o di qualsiasi caratteristica marcata. "Stavamo davvero cercando un punto di riferimento da cui sviluppare il progetto", dice Sameep P... Altro

Progetto • By SybariteGallerie d'Arte

HdM Gallery

HdM Gallery is located in the 798 Art District, a dynamic part of Beijing’s cultural landscape, named after the 798 Factory of the 1950s, a former electronics complex which was transformed into a vibrant hub for contemporary art and culture in the early 2000s. The gallery is housed in a repurposed factory building and integrated into the thriving artistic community supporting Western artists with a special focus on contemporary Chinese art – both established and emerging. Courtesy of HdM Gallery and Sybarite Sybarite architects were invited by the gallery owners to reimagine the space, its intrinsic vision and functionality, as an international gallery supporting art with a strong Chinese DNA. Courtesy of HdM Gallery an... Altro

NotizieNotizie • 21 dic 2023

A grid of customized skylight modules creates a highly sculptural gallery ceiling

La Sky Light Gallery è stata progettata dallo studio di Pechino People's Architecture Office. Situata nel TANKO Park, nel distretto Mentougou di Pechino, la struttura è costituita da una serie di forme geometriche bianche. People's Architecture Office ha collocato la galleria in una posizione elevata, con vista sul parco TANKO e sull'area circostante. Lo studio spiega che "la Sky Light Gallery rappresenta il culmine di un importante percorso del parco e funge da fulcro per mostre ed eventi"  Zhu Yumeng PAO Yuan Yingzi Le varie forme geometriche della galleria di 300 metri quadrati servono a diversi scopi: Una deformazione nella metà inferiore della facciata piegata può essere util... Altro

NotizieNotizie • 2 ago 2023

Domesticity meets art at Vasto Gallery

Il rapporto tra architettura e arte, in cui un edificio è un luogo in cui l'arte vive, può essere testimoniato nei musei e nelle gallerie di tutto il mondo. Ma cosa succede quando questo luogo ospita sia l'arte che le persone: come possono convivere in armonia? In un progetto che considera l'intersezione tra domesticità e arte, lo studio di architettura interdisciplinare spagnolo Mesura ha trasformato un ex luogo di lavoro industriale nel quartiere Poblenou di Barcellona in una bella residenza che funge anche da galleria d'arte. Salva López Salva López La vicinanza del Poblenou al Mediterraneo lo ha reso un'area ideale per una rapida industrializzazione nel XVIII secolo. Tuttavia, il suo... Altro

NotizieSpecifiche • 25 lug 2023

10 elegant galleries prizing architecture and art

Nelle gallerie d'arte contemporanea qui presentate, l'architettura è protagonista tanto quanto l'arte stessa. Un mix di stili, queste eleganti gallerie sono esempi di un tipo di spazio artistico più personale: più piccole delle enormi gallerie che si trovano in molte capitali, sono luoghi per chi è curioso dell'arte e dell'architettura in cui è ospitata.   1. Suiyue Art Su Shengliang Su Shengliang A Chengdu, in Cina, la capitale della provincia del Sichuan è un centro d'arte in stile Sichuan. DA Integrating ha creato un nuovo spazio artistico per Suiyue Art in un ex edificio per uffici degli anni Ottanta. La facciata bianca della galleria, che unisce il vecchio al nuovo, &e... Altro

NotizieNotizie • 25 lug 2023

AMAA questions the role of both “threshold” and “treasure” in art and architecture

"Soglia e tesoro" indica l'intervento architettonico intrapreso dallo studio italiano AMAA per trasformare un'ex tipografia del XIX secolo in una galleria d'arte. Situata nel centro di Arzignano, una cittadina industriale in provincia di Vicenza, la struttura, un tempo abbandonata, è ora sede di "Atipografia", un'associazione culturale e galleria d'arte contemporanea. Simone Bossi, courtesy of AMAA Simone Bossi, courtesy of AMAA Nel progetto di "Threshold and Treasure" una sequenza di spazi si dispiega all'interno del tessuto urbano, invitando i visitatori a entrare ed esplorare sia la struttura restaurata che le sue opere d'arte. I fondatori di AMAA, Marcello Galiotto e Alessandra Rampazzo, hanno affrontato il pro... Altro

Progetto • By Murat GedikGallerie d'Arte

BSG Cultural Center

The BSG cultural center has a large multi-purpose theater and rehearsal spaces, a small theater and amphitheater for local artists. The amphitheater has been designed to provide the opportunity to watch enjoyable artistic activities in summer evenings. Thanks to the indoor and outdoor setup in the amphitheater, it is possible to watch artistic activities accompanied by the works of art exhibited indoors. Caption BSG cultural center, café, restaurant, reading corners, resting and waiting corners were designed to serve art lovers. Apart from the BSG cultural center, the large exhibition area, every corner of the building, including the stairwells, was designed as an exhibition space for works of art. There is a waiting, informati... Altro

Progetto • By Jackson Clements Burrows ArchitectsGallerie d'Arte

Bendigo Art Gallery

JCB, with Clare Design and Openwork, is delivering a major redevelopment for the Bendigo Art Gallery, one of Australia’s oldest and largest regional galleries. Supporting the City of Greater Bendigo’s aspiration to be the world’s most liveable community, the reimagined Gallery will create a globally competitive experience for visitors and attract world-leading touring exhibitions. Caption Through Traditional Custodian engagement, the design is grounded in and celebrates the deep living histories of Dja Dja Wurrung Country, culture and community. In addition, JCB and Clare Design are enhancing the cultural precinct through retail and hospitality offerings, innovative learning and community spaces, and a focus on pla... Altro

NotizieNotizie • 17 ago 2022

Monologue Art Museum by Wutopia Lab offers an oasis free from worldly distractions

In Qinhuangdao, China, the Monologue Art Museum by Wutopia Lab opened on the park green of SEATOPIA in July 2022. The Museum is dedicated to those who, as the architects say, want to 'be free from worldly distractions.' CreatAR Images   The design comprises three no. buildings of 1,300 m2 each. Arranged into different monoliths and combined with walls, corridors, and ambiguous space, the triangular-shaped Monologue Art Museum emerges. CreatAR Images   The spatial sequence of the Museum slowly and poetically reveals itself to visitors. The journey begins at the small entrance theatre, where light breaks through the corners. Upon entering the art gallery, the quiet water courtyard slowly appears along an open c... Altro

Progetto • By Clear LightingGallerie d'Arte

Art gallery in Stansstad

In a modern art gallery in Standsstad, Switzerland, slender FlexgloTM F23 lights are highlighting the layout of the room. The idea was to underline the pictures on the wall without producing too much light. F23 was the right product because its flexibility and bendability allowed the light to follow the whole corridor in one piece.Unlike the downlights recessed in the ceiling, the 3000K-set F23 linear LED lights compliment the dim area below and make sure no shadow is left. Compared to traditional incandescent bulbs or halogens, LED luminaires produce the least heat and UV emissions, which is vital for artwork preservation. Altro

Progetto • By Studio ZungUffici

RVCA Headquarters

The master plan and design for the RVCA HQ in Costa Mesa, California came together by incorporating a 360-design integration to mirror PM Tenore’s, RVCA’s founder’s vision. The design is inclusive of all aspects of design, marketing, sample production as well as a RVCA gallery, indoor and outdoor skate park, music studio, and friends and family store. Caption Caption Caption Caption Altro

Progetto • By cba Christian Bauer & Associes ArchitectesMusei


The MNHA is located in the oldest quarter of the city of Luxembourg, where the historical architecture is part of the national heritage. Lukas Roth, Cologne Up to 1997, the museum was housed in a group of ancient buildings, whose limited surface was ill suited to the exhibition of new collections and to a modern approach to museography. It was therefore necessary to find a solution which would allow an extension from the 2100 m2 of the existing structure to the 4600 m2 required.  Lukas Roth, Cologne Christian Bauer and associates chose to maintain the historical area, with its harmonious proportions, as a contrast to the new part of the museum, which is characterised by a compact and pure form that does not interfere with t... Altro

Progetto • By Nissen Richards StudioMusei

The Museum at Wordsworth Grasmere

The Museum at Wordsworth Grasmere, the second phase of work at the former Lake District home of the great English Romantic poet William Wordsworth and his sister Dorothy, is now complete and open to the public from 18 May 2021, with all gallery, exhibition design and interpretative overviews by Nissen Richards Studio and the building’s remodelling and extension by Purcell. The first phase of re-design work by Nissen Richards Studio at Wordsworth Grasmere opened in summer 2020 and encompassed the conservation and reinterpretation of Dove Cottage itself, where William and Dorothy once lived, plus the design of a new identity for Wordsworth Grasmere and all signage and wayfinding for the scheme, which makes use of locally-sourced Lakela... Altro